Friday, 26 August 2011

Simple Vanilla Cake...Made with Atta ( Wheat Flour )

Light and full of flavour

Best thing about all my cakes is that I bake them using wheat flour (Atta). I substitute the same amount of Maida ( Cake Flour), sometimes when I am using this cake as a base for some icing.

So presenting before you...The Classic vanilla Cake...Simple, yet elegant...


1 Cup Atta ( Substitute with the same amount of Maida, if desired) (8 fl oz)
1/4 cup Butter, softened (2 fl oz)
3/4 cup sugar, powdered (6 fl oz)
2 eggs, at room temperature
3/4 cup milk, at room temperature (6 fl oz)
1 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp Vanilla (Essence or Extract)
Optional Ingredients:
1 Tbsp Cinnamon Powder / Nutmeg Powder ( Sieve it along with the flour for some extra flavour)


Preheat the oven to 200 degree Celsius.

Grease and Dust a 6 inch Cake Pan. Alternatively line with baking paper.

Sieve the Atta and the baking powder 2-3 times and set aside. Sieve the Cinnamon/nutmeg along, if using.

Cream the Butter and Sugar till light and fluffy.Click on the link and follow instructions on the Creaming Method.

Add the eggs one at a time to the creamed mixture, making sure that the each egg is fully incorporated before adding another egg. Basically, what is formed is a fat - liquid emulsion. If the egg is not beaten well into the batter, the batter will curdle and all air bubbles created during the Creaming Method will be lost. Addition of one tsp of sieved flour in between the addition of eggs will prevent the batter from curdling. After all the eggs have been added, you must have a creamy batter  which will hold the air bubbles in.

Add the milk and the sieved flour mixture alternatively. Do not add all the flour together, otherwise you will end up with lumps in the batter and moreover, the idea is to coat most of the flour particles in fat. The more the flour comes in contact with liquid more gluten is formed resulting in a hard and tough cake. 

Do not over beat the batter otherwise you will end up forming more gluten...blend till all the ingredients have just been incorporated.

Pour into the prepared pan and bake for 22-25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

Unmould while still warm. Cut and serve.

Happy Baking !!


  1. wao......this cake seems easy and healthy.........thanks you

  2. Can I bake this cake in microwave if yes then for how long......

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      No this cake has to be baked in a convection oven. Not a microwave oven. Sorry !

      Microwave Oven cakes have different compositions

      Happy Baking

  3. i just made this recipe n all i changed in this recipe was sugar (since i dont like it very much) n i double the banking power n wow it turn out amazing thank you very much :)

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Great...Less sugar towards better health!

      Happy Baking

  4. Amazing! Never expected it to come out so light n fluffy! Thanks.. Do u have a receipe for a gooey centered brownie..

    1. Thanks.. It is a great basic vanilla cake recipe .. and healthy too.. would have to twist my basic brownie recipe to get the gooey centered Brownie.. Happy Baking..

  5. Dear Usha ,
    Great recipe. Just an inquiry could 3 eggs be used instead of 2 to make it more fluffy ?

    1. No .. adding an extra egg would alter the recipe and you will not get the same results

  6. Hi , could I use refined oil instead of butter ?

    1. No , you cannot substitute refined oil instead of butter in this cake... This cake batter has been mixed by the creaming method ( you can look that one up in my blog) . There are other cakes which use refined oil but their ingredients are different.

  7. I have tried this cake twice. It's great. My Daughter tops it with Nutella and sprinkles.

  8. feeling Good to see this recipe..but can u tell me any substitute for eggs. Can I use bananas against eggs in this recipe? please do let me know any substitute for eggs to make this recipe correct.

  9. Hi, when you say "sugar, powedered" does that mean icing sugar/confectioner's sugar that is sometimes called powdered sugar instead of granulated/fine sugar that is also used for baking? Planning to make this over the coming days, thank you! :)

  10. Thanks! This has come out brilliantly.
    Your tip on the creaming method was especially useful.

  11. If I want to replace the butter with refined oil, how can I do that? Please let me know. Thanks in advance.

    1. Will you please refer to other ingredients list?

  12. Easiest Recipe for a cake. we need to sieve atta properly. Unik Corporation is a renowned atta chalni Manufacturers in India.
